Споделям тук своето схващане за подобната съдба на повечето духовни учители на човечеството, дошли в позицията на реформатори и критици на традиционните системи в търсене на решение за съдбата на човечеството и връзката му с Бог, отдали целия си живот в саможертевно служене на човешкия род. Всички може би ще се съгласим, че гоненията и преследването на нови духовни учения е ставало открай време - още по времето на Ехнатон, Тутанкамон, Орфей, Буда, Исус Христос, Мохамед, Баха ула, богомилите, албигойците и разбира се, днес. В крайна сметка посланието на Исус " Радвайте се и се веселете, защото голяма е наградата ви в небесното царство" може да бъде утеха за всички хора, поели пътя на всеотдайното служене за благото и мира в света. Многобройни страдащи души в търсене на спасение са търсели истината за новото царство изпълнено с мир и любов между всички хора по света, независимо тяхната етническа, расова и религиозна принадлежност. Но като по ирония на съдбата, ако техните надежди и тяхната вяра се окажат неустойчиви, а страданията и изпитанията съборят тялото и сломят духа в миг масата народ може да се окаже оръдие в ръцете на тъмните сили, които владият над човека. Тогава хиляди ученици - последователи на съответния духовен учител ще се окажат в още по-неизгодна позиция и могат да преживеят страхове, неверие, отхвърляне и сърцата им да се вкоравят. Други, като първите християни изживяват всички страдания в името на един велик идеал и бързо напускат физическия свят. Това между впрочем се случва и с други народи , чиято безнадежна борба за оцеляване и живот е дала хиляди герои и святи личности. Известно е как са се появили традиционните религии и как те могат да служат на управляващите крале, папи и други нечестни управници, чията власт и могъщество се е разпростирала с помощта на Библията, Корана и несправедливостта към така наречените друговерци или по-малките и безпомощни народи.
Ето защо, сякаш небесните сфери са много по-облагодетелствани от духовния живот на светци, големи патриоти и саможертевни борци за свобода, мир и щастие. За съжаление Земята сякаш остава под тежестта на неправдите, невежеството и агресията, които все повече завладяват подтиснатите, страхливите и арогантни хора.
Ние продължаваме да търсим истината и да се борим за нея, тъй като без нея любовта е немислима - но честните и добри люде търсят единство и сега това единство между всички тях е крайно необходимо, за да прескочат бариерите на страха и ограниченията.
Исус рече на дошлите против Него главни свещеници, началници на храмовата стража и старейшини: "Като срещу разбойник ли сте излезли с ножове и сопи?
Когато бях всеки ден с вас в храма, не простряхте ръце против Мене. Но сега е вашият час и на властването над тъмнината"
И като го хванаха, заведоха Го и въведоха Го в къщете на първосвещенника. А Петър вървеше подире отдалеч.
И когато бяха наклали огън насред двора и бяха насядали около него, то и Петър седеше между тях.
И една слугиня, като го видя седнал до пламъка, вгледа се в него и рече: "И този беше с Него."
А той се отрече, казвайки: "Жено, не Го познавам."
И Господ се обърна , та погледна Петра. И Петър си спомни думата на Господа, как му беше казал: "Преди да пропее петелът днес, три пъти ще се отречеш от Мене".
И излезе вън и плака горко.
И мъжете, които държаха Исус, ругаехо Го и Го биеха.
И като Го удряха по лицето питаха Го, казвайки: "Познай кой те удари."
И много други хули изговориха против Него.
И като се разсъмна, събраха се народните старейшини, главните свещеници и книжници и Го въведоха в синедриона си и Мурекоха: "Ако си Ти Помазаникът, кажи ни." А Той им рече: "Ако ви кажа, няма да повярвате."
и ако ви задам въпрос не ще отговорите.
Но отсега нататък Човешкият Син ще седи отдясно на Божията сила."
Тогава цялото множество техни хора стана и Го заведе при Пилата.
И започнаха да Го обвиняват, казвайки: "Намерихме Този, който развращава народа ни, забранява да се дава данък на кесаря и казва за Себе си, че е Помазаник Цар".
Тогава Пилат свика главните свещеници, началниците и народа и рече им:
"Доведохте ми Този човек, като Един, който развлащава людетер но ето аз Го разпитах пред вас и не намерих в Този човек никаква вина относно това, за което Го обвинявате."
Но те всички едногласно изкрещяха, казвайки: " Махни Този и пусни ни Варава."
И Пилат пак им извика, като желаеше да пусне Исуса.
А те крещяха, казвайки: "Разпни Го! Разпни Го!"
А Той трети път им каза: "Че какво зло е сторил Той? Аз не намирам в Него нищо, за което да заслужава смърт: и тъй като Го накажа, ще Го пусна.
Но те настояваха със силни гласове, искайки да бъде разпнат и техните гласове надделяха.
И Пилат реши да изпълни искането им.
Из Еванг. Лука гл. 22-23
Ако говорем за родова памет и добротата която трябва да наследим от човечността на всеки живял като "добър човек" ние трябва да помислим кой не нашият Родител и какви ценности ни е завещал, кои са онези предци, които ни са дали истински живот и истинска грижа, за да вървим напред към знанието, мъдроста и новия живот.
Румяна Русева
Съществува ли живот след смъртта? Какви закони управляват живота ? Имаме ли връзки с други измерения? Срещи с космически цивилизации и същества от духовния свят. Life after death.
четвъртък, 6 септември 2012 г.
Как светът се раздели с преп. Санг.М. Мун
| |
It’s hard to feel sorry for a billionaire, harder if he’s regarded by thousands around the world as the messiah. But spare a thought for Rev. Moon Sun-myung who in public, outside of his adoring inner circle, never had a single good review. He was vilified and ridiculed most of his adult life. The criticism and hounding of his followers contemptuously known as “Moonies” have been unrelenting. Why? Not because his beliefs and claims are any more ridiculous than other religious notions, but because they were new. Ironically, his core message that God suffers has never even got through the noise, let alone made an impact. It was only in his twilight years he was 92 that governments and media let him be, which explains why he dropped from the news and why most people under 30, even in Korea and Japan, where his following is largest, have not heard of him. When he was taken on Aug. 14 to St. Mary’s Catholic Hospital in Gangnam, Seoul, critically ill with pneumonia and reported by doctors to have a 50-50 chance, most dailies did not consider the news worth the front page. That’s a far cry from the 1970s and ’80s when sensational media coverage in America, Europe and elsewhere made Moon the most infamous Korean in the world. Everyone, it seemed, had a reason to dislike him. The political left hated him for saying communism was the anti-Christ; Christians said he was anti-Christ; to most, he was a conman who used religion to get rich, a brainwasher of young people, a nut-case who claimed to chat with the dead, a man who broke up families, who had a factory that made weapons, who wanted to control the White House, and maybe take over the world. The presenter of one weekly religion program on normally sober BBC once did a report on Moon dressed in a flak jacket and sporting an M16. Satisfied with this media interpretation, society failed to ask the right questions about what Moon stood for and whether he was really that dangerous. As a result, even democracies put him on the black list with known terrorists. He was banned for decades from Japan and most European countries. If his story presents an unflattering example of how most societies are incapable of handling heretics in a dignified and democratic manner, it is also a modern example of the ancient phenomenon of how religion is born. For Moon’s real offense is to be a modern-day Jesus, to have something new to say about God and to assume that doing so makes him spiritually superior to the rest of us. There is no shyness in these claims. Moon believes he has reversed the “fall of man,” the process by which evil entered the world in the belief systems of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and that his family members are sinless and inherently better than the rest of us. Given this, why could he not simply be ignored? His story began in Pyongyang between the end of World War II in 1945 and the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950. His central teaching at that time, delivered in long emotional sermons, was that Jesus Christ should have lived a full and exemplary life but had been turned over to colonial authorities by the religious establishment for execution. Contrary to normal Christian doctrine, this murder went against the will of God, he said. He also taught, heretically, that the same Jesus would not return as promised, but that his mission would be completed by another man. These ideas and Moon’s charisma electrified a small number of Christians. After a few key members left their churches to join Moon, thinking he was the prophesied messiah, Protestant ministers reported him to the communist authorities. Moon was arrested and severely tortured by Korean police schooled in Japanese torture techniques. He was released and a year later arrested again and tried for “disturbing society.” He was sentenced to a labor camp in the east coast city of Heungnam and had served two years and 8 months when guards let prisoners go before advancing South Korean and U.N. forces. In all, Moon has been jailed six times. In South Korea in the mid-1950s he was reported to police after several professors and students from the Methodist Ewha Womans University joined his church. He was jailed, tried and found not guilty. In the 1980s, he served an 18-month sentence in a prison in Connecticut in the United States where he was convicted for failing to pay taxes on church funds held in accounts in his name. Moon was born in a village in North Pyeongan Province in North Korea in 1920. He claims to have developed his theology over a nine-year period of prayer and discovery that began with an encounter with Jesus at age 15. Its root is Judeo-Christian, although Moon approaches the relationship with God as a filial Confucian son. His interpretation of the biblical “fall of man” is that mankind disobeyed God not by eating fruit, but through premature sexual relations. The notion that selfish misuse of love lies at the heart of human sin drives strict views about sex in the Unification Church. While his teaching points to Moon as the prophesied messiah, he did not make any such public claim outside of the Unification Church until the early 1990s when he told an audience of reporters and academics that he and his wife, Han Hak-ja, were the “True Parents of mankind.” Once asked if he was the messiah, Moon said, “Yes I am.” Then he pointed to each person seated around the table. “And so are you, and you, and you.” The qualifier ― “and so are all of you” ― sheds light on the puzzle of how a farm boy from Korea could attract so many people from the campuses and middle-class homes of advanced nations. They are for the large part decent, educated and idealistic people transformed in Moon’s glow to believe they too are doing their messianic bit and saving the world. How they will fare without him remains an open question. The writer is a Korea Times columnist and author of “Sun Myung Moon: The Early Years 1920-53.” |
Damian J. Anderson
понеделник, 3 септември 2012 г.
Бог ми даде живота и Бог ми го отнема
Job - Prologue
Когато един голям духовен учител напуска физическия свят....
(CNN) --
The Rev. Sun Myung Moon -- founder of the Unification Church, which gained fame
worldwide for its mass weddings decades ago -- died early Monday in South Korea,
an organization affiliated with his church said.
The Universal Peace Federation said
on its website that Moon died early Monday morning of complications related to
pneumonia. He was 92.
The Washington Times, one of several
publications that Moon founded, similarly reported Moon's death.
"Words cannot convey my heart at
this time," said Thomas P. McDevitt, the Times' president said in a story on the
newspaper's website. "Rev. Sun Myung Moon has long loved America, and he
believed in the need for a powerful free press to convey accurate information
and moral values to people in a free world."
McDevitt added that the Times is a
"tangible expression of those two loves." In 2010, the newspaper was sold to a
group operating on Moon's behalf, according to a statement on the paper's
Doctors put Moon in intensive care
in a Seoul hospital last month after he suddenly fell ill, church spokesman Ahn
Ho-yeol said then. At the time, physicians gave him a 50% chance of
Days later, one of his sons -- the
Rev. Hyung Jin Moon -- noted in a sermon posted on a church website that his
father had multiple health problems in recent years, including heart surgery
performed in the United States about 10 years ago. But still, he pushed on with
his life's mission.
"Father, who is responsible to save
the world, pushed himself way beyond his limits," said the son, who himself has
a leading .
The Unification Church that the
elder Moon founded gained fame worldwide for its mass weddings, including at New
York City's Madison Square Garden.
Many met their spouses-to-be for
the first time during the ceremony. In addition to weddings in South Korea,
couples from various countries took part in the ceremony through satellite
The controversial Moon, whose
church critics have compared to a cult and whose followers were colloquially
known as "Moonies," served a federal prison term in the United States for tax
Between 2003 and 2005, the British
government prohibited him from traveling to that country, according to a U.S.
State Department report. Still, he continued to be regarded highly elsewhere --
including in Washington.
A video from 2004, posted on the
website of what was then known as the Interreligious and International
Federation for World Peace, showed a ceremony taking place in a U.S. Senate
office building attended by Moon and several members of Congress. Speaking
Korean, Moon declares himself the messiah and says he'd spoken to the spirits of
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, both of whom he said
found strength in his teachings and mended their ways.
Rep. Danny Davis, D-Illinois, is
seen reading a poem and, wearing white gloves and carrying a crown on a pillow
to Moon and his wife. Davis said later he thought it was all part of an
interfaith peace ceremony, adding that Moon didn't ask his "permission to call
himself the messiah."
Moon was traditionally a strong
supporter of Republican politicians including Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan,
said Eileen Barker, a professor at the London School of Economics and Political
He was also known for being
"virulently anti-Communist," having been imprisoned in North Korea during the
Korean War before being freed by the allies, she said.
Moon softened his hard line on
North Korea, though, over time -- even meeting North Korea's founder (and
grandfather of its current leader), the late Kim Il Sung, and investing money in
the north.
His church believes that Jesus was
divine but he is not God, a position that puts the Unification Church outside
the bounds of traditional Christianity.
Followers instead regard Moon as
the messiah who is completing the salvation mission that Jesus Christ failed to
In the sermon from August 19 posted
online, the Rev. Hyung Jin Moon praised his father's efforts over the years, as
well as stating some of the family's political positions as regards China,
Russia and others.
He also made a point to thank those
who have been praying for his father's health.
"We need to remember, father is not
just a normal person," said the Rev. Hyung Jin Moon. "Father's body is not just
a normal body."
CNN's Richard Greene, K.J. Kwon and Greg Botelho
contributed to this report.
Damian J. Anderson
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